
I’m primarily, though not exclusively, a landscape painter and the Fenland landscape around my home provides a continuous source of subjects. Creating strong compositions and harmonious colour relationships are my main concerns when painting. I build up the image in layers, continually making adjustments until these objectives have been achieved. This process results in an interesting surface texture which is an integral part of the work. I see the final painting as a distillation of my response to the subject.

I have exhibited my work in many group exhibitions and regularly participate in Cambridge Open Studios and Cambridge Drawing Society exhibitions. I have also had several exhibitions at the Old Fire Engine House, Ely.

I regularly exhibit my paintings in the summer and winter group exhibitions at the Russell Gallery, Putney, London., and in the past few years, I have had work selected for the New English Art Club’s Annual Exhibition and the Royal Watercolour Society’s Contemporary Watercolour Competition.

From 1985 to 1993 I was a freelance illustrator with clients in both publishing and advertising. Past clients have included, Virago, Jonathan Cape, The Oxford University Press, The Telegraph, The Observer, The Times Educational Supplement, BT, and Chrysalis TV. A few years ago I decided to write and illustrate a children’s book titled, “Clara The Camel Needs Help From Her Friends”, which I self-published in 2018.

In the 1990s I was commissioned to create several paintings and prints by JD Weatherspoons for their pubs.

Over the years other creative employment has included, designing, making, and selling knitwear and textile jewellery; mural painting and specialist decoration; part-time art teaching.